
How improving oral care has led to more kisses for one care home resident! XX


Can Hcsuk Provide An Emergency Equipment Breakdown Callout Service For Essential Care Equipment In Care Homes?

mac and cheese

Free Samples! Recipes and Practical Chef Support to Enable You To Create Beautifully Shaped Pureed Meals for the People You Support with Dysphagia


How To Keep Your Bath Hoists In Top Condition

tea cup-1

Our Top Tips To Help You Improve Communication With People Living With Dementia


Fun Activities For People Living With Dementia


How To Provide The Best Care For People Living With Dementia


What Is Dry Mouth And How Does It Affect Oral Health


How Often Should Patient Lifting Slings Be Inspected?


How To Prepare Great Looking Rice And Pasta Dishes For Dysphagia Diets


Everything You Need To Know About Profiling Bed Servicing


Introducing Our New Company Brand Video


Why Oral Care Needs To Be Given Greater Priority In Care Homes


Our Best Tips And Information In Support of Nutrition And Hydration Week 2021


How Our Servicing Superhero Phil Helped A Local Lady To Get Her 2 Mobility Scooters Back On The Road


Our Servicing Super Heroes Come To The Rescue Again!


The Benefits Of Using Hybrid Mattress Surfaces In Nursing Home Care


What are the safe product alternatives to bed rails and how to choose appropriately?


Our Top 5 Solutions To Help You Overcome Your Bed Safety Challenges And Avoid Bed Rail Entrapment


How Can I Improve Mouth Care For My Residents Living With Dementia?


Our Top Tips To Help You To Fortify Texture Modified Meals For People You Support With Dysphagia To Prevent Malnutrition

Crashed Wheelchair

3 Crucial Facts About Crash Tested Wheelchairs


How My Positive Mental Attitude Helped Me Through A Year On The Servicing Frontline Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In The UK

weighing scales

Do I Need To Have My Patients Weighing Scales Calibrated?


What Are The Safe Oral Care Product Alternatives To Banned Pink Foam Mouth Swabs?

hoist failed

Why Has My Hoist Sling Failed Its Inspection?


What Is The Standard ISO7176-19 For Crash Testing Of Wheelchairs And Why Is It Necessary?


Proud To Be One Of The Sponsors For Team Altantic Antics In The Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge


6 Ways In Which Brightly Coloured Melamine Crockery Provides A Dignified Dining Experience For People Living With Dementia


Understanding The 4 Major Parts Of Glove Testing

Safe visits

5 Ways To Make Visits To The Bathroom Safer For People Living With Dementia


5 Innovative Solutions To Facilitate Safe Visiting At Care Homes


Dysphagia – Your Innovative Health Guide For Improved Patient Care


How Does Wearing Of Disposable Gloves Affect The Need For Hand Hygiene?

5 fantastic ideas

5 Fantastic Products To Buy That Can Help Reduce Loneliness For Dementia Patients


How To Make Informed Choices On Appropriate Glove Usage To Provide Adequate Protection For Healthcare Workers

risk assess

How To Complete A Risk Assessment For The Appropriate Use Of Examination Gloves In Care Environments


Why Does A Wheelchair Need To Be Crash Tested?


How To Choose Appropriate Seating For The elderly


Top 5 benefits of Using a Hoist in a Care Home Setting


How To Use Nursing Home Mobile Lifting Equipment


Measuring the value of attaining accurate sizing for patient slings


How to achieve accurate and instant temperature checking for staff and visitors to care homes


How are care homes coping without access to care professionals to help with essential care equipment assessments during lockdown?


How improving oral hygiene can help to reduce the spread of COVID-19


Good news on PPE! And how Hcsuk is monitoring stock levels of essential products to help fight COVID-19


Are your mattresses hygienically clean, or just physically clean? Our complete guide to mattress decontamination.


How Hcsuk Servicing is helping to keep care homes safe and compliant with LOLER testing of essential patient lifting equipment during COVID-19, in conjuction with latest HSE guidance


Hcsuk helping you to achieve latest best practice guidance on mouthcare for residents with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19

Stay Connected

Stay Connected: The Importance Of Communication Through Isolation

doctor patient

How Hcsuk is sourcing quality and cost-effective PPE solutions


How Hcsuk are preventing a Coronavirus outbreak


Glorious Gardens - Grow Green Skills

menal challelnge

Hcsuk Introduces Innovative Flavoured Foams and Invites YOU to Take the Dementia Meal Time Challenge


How to protect your residents, staff and yourself from Coronavirus


What Hcsuk is doing to help our customers through these uncertain times of Brexit.


Setting higher standards in hand hygiene to prevent healthcare acquired infections in care homes

Wren Hall

How one Hcsuk customer  helped us to start up our business and this year we both celebrate our 30th anniversaries.break


Discover how our  laundry expert can help you SAVE valuable time and money in your laundry and IMPROVE compliance with CQC.

Laundry Cost

Do you know the true cost of your laundry operation? And how Hcsuk can help you to improve wash results and save money

Laundry Clean

Is Your Laundry Getting Physically and Hygienically Clean to CQC Standards?


Discovering a garden which helps people who live with a Dementia

CQC Care

CQC calls for improvements to oral health in care homes

Anti Choking

Discover how our new and innovative anti-choking device saved a resident’s life at Ashberry Healthcare


Will you join us in helping to make every accessible toilet in the UK safer for disabled users?


Discover ways of developing empathy to help impact your care business


How to reduce the risks of choking for the people you support with Dysphagia, and details of a NEW innovative new anti choking product which 1880 UK care homes have already invested in.

Picture Frame

How to bring a lifetime of memories together to improve the wellbeing of ladies and gents living with a Dementia. Think inside the box!


How challenging is implementing the new IDDSI framework in your care home? (We’re sharing our industry expert’s advice to help you get it right.)


How improving orientation for your residents living with a Dementia can help them to lead safer, more independent, and happier lives. 


How to deliver excellent oral care for your residents in care homes and achieve CQC compliancy.

Eating together

UPDATED! - Eating and drinking independently after a stroke tastes the best!


Save Lives: Clean Hands

Thank you#

I’m back! A BIG thank you, and some exciting news on Hcsuk’s future

Red Cord

Don’t Pull the Red Cord it’s for the Warden!

Positive Outcomes

Discover which 5 positive outcomes for loved ones help shape Hcsuk

Hand Washing

Save Lives: Clean your Hands!

clean mattress

Are you sure your mattresses are really clean?


Could Healthcare Services be your Servicing Superheroes?


All the Latest from Healthcare HQ!


4 Year Olds and Singing - Some of the best ways to keep age at bay!

Food Mould 1

Order Your Food Moulds for Tasty Suppers!


The Healthcare Extreme Makeover - Home Edition!


Something Special For You - Act Now!


We're looking for another superhero!

Avoid Falls

How can Hcsuk help you to reduce the number of falls in your care home?

Dementia Food

The Dementia Mealtime Challenge - Are you up for it?

Jo at Conference

MD Jo Is Honoured To Be Presenting National Interactive Workshop


So long, farewell, auf wiedersen, goodbye!

dementia day

National Dementia Carers’ Day


How Hcsuk Helps New Care Home Managers Feel Welcome

safe sealed

Are your staff and residents washing their hands with contaminated soap?

dementia 2

How activity groups can help you when you care for a loved one with a dementia

Food Mould 4

If you have ladies and gents in your care who are on pureed diets, how do their pureed meals shape up?

food mould 3

Eating and drinking independently after a stroke tastes the best!

drinking glasses

How much do you consider your ladies and gents drinking experience when encouraging hydration?

comfy chair

Providing ultimate seating comfort for your ladies and gents Part 1

Yellow Plate

Hello, my name is Jo, I’m the Yellow Plate Lady!

comfy chair

Providing ultimate seating comfort for your ladies and gents Part 2

Germy Hand

Eewwwww, have you seen what could be lurking on your hands today?


What Memories Are Made Of

Emergency Kit

Helping to keep your residents safe during an evacuation

Mobility Chair

Come and see our new Dementia at Home solutions at our Hcsuk Mobility showroom


Only 1 in 4 residents now safe to be transferred in a toileting sling


Life is too short to sleep on lumpy pillows!


Part Two - Only 1 in 4 residents now safe to be transferred in a toileting sling and how to select the correct toileting sling.

Food Label

If you have ever had a sling condemned due to faded labelling you need to read this!

Sitting Comfortably

Are your residents sitting comfortably?


Living with Dementia, where does love end and duty begin? Or does it?

Jos Friend

Jo is reunited with an old friend ...

Fluffy Joe

Hcsuk MD, Jo Bonser, joins an experts panel...and wears fluffy pink too

Teeth Cleaning

Helping Care Homes to Deliver Excellent Oral Care to the People They Support

brushing teeth-2

Our top coping strategies to help improve oral care for your residents with a Dementia


Hcsuk Team Members become Disability Confident


Walking (or running) the Talk - How hcsuk colleagues raised funds for charity


Meet Your New Field Service Engineer - Phil!


Keep Active Top 5

1 hour

What could you achieve in just one hour?


A Trip Down Memory Lane

5 senses

Superior Senses - How Engaging the Senses Can Help with Dementia Symptoms


Care is at the Core of Everything we do


Is there a connection between football "headers" and dementia?

coming soon

Another Quality Guide - Sneek Peek!


Doesn’t it feel frustrating when you expect a certain standard of service and it is, well, below par?  - Super Service Standards

Happy Birthday

How do your meals shape up?


Outstanding Oral Care


How Do Your Pureed Meals Shape Up?


"All care home staff should be aware of this training" -   How our pureed food workshop has helped others and why you should come along next time.


Pureed Perfection! - How do your pureed meals shape up?

purred meal

Do you need help to shape up your pureed meals?


Nottingham Evening Post Awards Video!

Evening recognition

Nottingham Evening Post Carer of the Year - Special Recognition Entrants


Rummage and Reconnect

Food Frenzy

Food Frenzy!


Thank You Lisa!


Food Glorious Food!


HCSUK Sponsors Carer of the Year Awards

Jo Talking

Focus on Food


Nutrition and Hydration Week is Here!


28 Years in Business


A Valentines day question for you.... How important is trust in your business relationships? (and how to avoid the pitfalls of trading with unscrupulous healthcare suppliers)

Winter Bug

What actions have you taken to prepare for winter bug season? (and our helpful tips on how to survive it)

dementia door

Have you found your way around dementia enabling signage?

teeth brushing

How can you 'brush up' on oral care for adults in care homes?


"Thanks to Jo for going over and above to get us our items in time for our special event at Buddleia House - it was very much appreciated. A massive thankyou for your continued assistance as a supplier to ourselves". 

Buddleia House


"We've built a strong working relationship with Hcsuk over many years, having used them to source, install and service our medical training equipment. We have always found the team very professional, helpful and well organised. We'd like to give a particular shout out to Phil, the technician / engineer who has been the consistent friendly face visiting our business to inspect and test our mobility hoists every 6 months. Thank you for all your support and advice". 

P.B (Care Manager) Blue Bird Care Ltd

"What I like about working with Health Care Services is the relationship we have built up and the personal service. The homes report that you always deliver on time, the quality is consistently good and the prices competitive. Your team members are always willing to go that extra mile for us and if ever we have an issue there is always someone there to save the day."

Eastgate Care